About Me

Nooksack, Washington, United States

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

This is the story....

This is the story of how Emmanuel came to the Karber's in 2010...
Michael's wings were silent as he glided toward Gabriel sitting in the dark room next to Caleb. "Michael! What are you doing here?" Gabriel asked. "I just got back from vacation. I wanted to say hello before I head off again." Michael's eyes moved toward the bed where Caleb was sleeping. "Is he really going to the hospital later?" he asked. "Sure is," said Gabriel. "He's going to have to have his appendix removed." "So," said Michael,"did the rest of the Karber family keep you busy this year, too?" Michael sighed and said, "they have been through a lot in 2010. But it seems that their faith in Emmanuel is still strong." "Oh, it is," said Gabriel. "In fact, did you know that Jillian's favorite Christmas song for 2010 is 'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel'? She says' she can relate to the longing to be "ransomed" from the challenging times of 2010, just like the Israelites were waiting for the promised Savior over 2000 years ago." "Well," said Michael. "I know how trials can cause doubt that Emmanuel is truly with us." "Yes," said Gabriel, "the Karber's didn't always feel like trusting that God would come and deliver them. I heard Jillian say many times she was sure they were given more than they could handle. When they opened their home to their nieces who needed care, they wondered if they would be able to navigate all the challenges the situation brought. And yet, they have found it to be one of the best experiences of their lives. They have had the great satisfaction of watching their nieces and children accomplish amazing things this year. Their oldest niece has moved to California where she has always wanted to live, and their younger niece, who is still living with them, is a successful student at Toni & Guy hair dressing academy. All the kids are doing well in school, actually, and Caleb was picked for the highly capable learners program at school. Sophie is taking gymnastics, Caleb is learning how to play the trumpet, and Charissa is still in dance at Team Jones Dance. Michael looked at his watch and said, "I've got to be going onto my next assignment, but tell me a bit more before I leave." Gabriel nodded, "Well, Jillian is going to begin working on her Master's Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy starting January 5th and Jeff continues to process LOTS and LOTS of orders for Lynden
Door. He also has the continued honor of teaching God's Word at Valley Community Church in Sumas, WA. "But, wait!" said Michael, "What about Caleb? Will he be alright?" "Oh yes," said Gabriel. He will have his appendix removed around 8:30
p.m. tonight. He'll come through like a trooper and they'll be home in time for Jillian to take Sophie, Charissa, and her niece, Gretchen to "We Danced our Best for Him" at the Mt. Baker Theatre. I know they are going to love it! Oh, and guess what song will mean the most to Jillian?" "'Come, O Come, Emmanuel'" shouted Michael, as he took wing to the night and glided away. Gabriel sat and pondered all the trials the Karber's had faced and all the harm they had been spared. Then he yelled up to Michael and said, "Isn't it glorious the prophecy from Matthew 1:22 was fulfilled, Michael? 'All this happened to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: "The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel, "God with us". And now the Karber's and all mankind can know the ever loving presence of their Savior. No matter what life brings them!" May you know the loving presence of Jesus, dear family and friends, throughout all life will bring you in 2011.
Much Love, The Karber Family - Jeff, Jill Caleb, Sophia, Charissa and niece Gretchen.


  1. Isn't it amazing all the trials that family's goes through and most of them unknown to those around them. Hope your 2011 brings healing, closure and wholeness, and that you have lots of people around you to support you and get in the mud with you.
